All California Residents are eligible for a FREE Kern County Library card. Open the door to your imagination, gain access to resources, and discover what’s available to your community through the Kern County Library.
Finalizing your application requires proof of identity, proof of residency, and a signed paper application which may be printed online or picked up at the Library (ENGLISH/SPANISH), and transforms your Kern County Library card into a full-access card, granting you access to physical material checkout. For minors 17 and under, a guardian must be present to finalize the application and bring proof of identity, proof of residency, and signed acknowledgement of financial responsibility. Kern County residents, ages 13 and over, apply online to begin the process of obtaining your Kern County Library card and to begin accessing materials online.
- Driver’s License/ID
- Military ID
- Border Crossing Card
- Mexican Matricula Consular Card
- Passport
- Prison ID
- Resident Alien Card
- Utility Bill issued in last 30 days with California Address
- Checkbook imprinted with a California Address
- California Issued:
- Driver’s License/ID
- Car Registration
- Car Insurance
- Mortgage/Rental/Lease Agreement
- Temporary Driver’s License/ID
- Following California Documents when presented with a recently delivered piece of mail
- Employment ID
- School ID
- Assistance: WIC, Food Stamps
- Check Cashing Card
Having trouble? Access our additional application option.
Types of Library Cards

Learn More About Your Kern County Library Card
- Check out books, ebooks, eAudiobooks, CDs, & Movies.
- Request items to be sent to your local library branch.
- Use Library public computers.
- Access Library databases from home, including full-text journals, auto repair manuals, job & employment resources, hobby & craft DIY resources, legal information & forms, small business information, and more.
The Kern County Library is a member of the San Joaquin Valley Library System. Your library card can be used at all of the member libraries: Coalinga-Huron District, Fresno County, Kings County, Madera County, Mariposa County, Merced County, Porterville Public, Tulare County, & Tulare Public.
- You will be responsible for all items checked out on your library card.
- You will pay for any lost, damaged, or late items charged on your card.
- You and your card must be present to checkout.
- You will not allow anyone else to use your card.
- You will report the loss of your card immediately.
- You will report any change in your address, phone number, or email address.
- A library card is for use only by the person to whom the card is issued.
- The library card must be present. Checkouts will not be permitted if the library card is not present.
- The library card holder is responsibile for all items checked out with the library card.
- A printed receipt will be provided each time materials are checked out. The receipt will include the items checked out and their due dates.
- A limit of 30 items may be checked out on the library card.
- Due dates are determined by the type of materials, see chart below.
Type of Material | Loan Period | Checkout Fee |
Most Books & Magazines | 3 weeks | No cost |
Music CDs | 3 weeks | No cost |
Audio Books | 3 weeks | No cost |
DVDs & Blu-Rays | 1 week | $2 + tax (per title) |
Rental Books | Pay for the Days You Keep the Item | 25¢ per day |
Interlibrary Loan | Varies; determined by lending library | $5 (request fee) – Other fees may apply |
- Use your Library Card number and PIN to log in.
From your account, you can:
- View items you have checked out
- Renew checked out items (some restrictions apply)
- Manage Hold Requests
- View and Pay any Library fees
- Update your email address and PIN #
- The Library attempts to send courtesy notices for hold notifications and overdue materials.
- In regards to your hold notification and the first overdue notice, you have the ability to choose how you will receive the notice either by email, phone, or US mail. All other notices will be sent via U.S. mail.
Notice | When Sent | How it is sent |
Pre-Overdue Notice | 3 days before item is due | Email ONLY |
Hold Notification | 1 day after hold is received at requested location | Email, Phone, SMS Text, or US Mail |
First Overdue Notice | 10 days overdue | Email, Phone, SMS Text, or US Mail |
Final Overdue Notice | 30 days overdue | US Mail ONLY |
Lost Item Notice | 50 days overdue | US Mail ONLY |
Reminder of Fees on Account | Account owes $25 or more & 60 days from item due date | US Mail ONLY |
Request Email Notices
Update Your Contact Information
Item Was Returned or Never Checked Out
Make an Interlibrary Loan Request
- Renew online, via Tele-messaging (automated system), or by contacting/visiting your local branch. (The online and automated system is available at any time.)
- Your Library card and PIN number are required, if renewing online or with our automated system.
- Your PIN by default is the last four digits of your phone number at registration.
- The new date will be determined by the date of renewal, and not by the original due date of the item.
- Most items can be renewed twice. After two renewals, the item must be returned.
- Items already overdue can only be renewed by contacting the library directly.
- Items that are request by someone else cannot be renewed, even if there appear to be other copies available.
Items already overdue can only be renewed by contacting the library directly.
- During open hours:
- By Phone or In Person at the library during library open hours
- 24/7
- Online (My Account)
- Library card and PIN# required
- View/Renew Items checked out and then select the items you wish to renew
- Items unable to be renewed will be noted in red
- Tele-Messaging: toll free (866) 290.8681
- Library card and PIN# required
- Choose the menu number for renewal. You can choose to either be prompted by title, to enter item barcode numbers, or to renew all items.
- Online (My Account)
- You are responsible for returning materials on or before the due date.
- There are book drops located outside the library to return items during closed hours. Audio-Visual items should not be returned in the book drops, unless it is clearly marked for Audio-Visual materials (Not available at most locations).
- If materials are returned after the due date, late fees will be charged to the account. These fees are assessed, per title, on a daily basis.
- The Library charges a late fee for each item that is returned overdue.
- The fee is assessed on a daily basis according to the Kern County Library’s Fee Schedule.
- Loss of or damage to your checked out materials will result in Lost or Damaged fees being assessed to your account, according to the Kern County Library’s Fee Schedule.
Acceptable Forms of Payment In Person Phone Online Mail Cash X Check or Money Order X X Visa – MasterCard – Discover X X X Library accounts owing $25 or more can be referred to an outside agency for collection. If you are unable to pay the amount due on your account all at once, you may be able to setup payments to keep the account from going to collections. Payment Arrangements:
- Monthly payment is required
- Each payment must be at least 10% of the current balance
If monthly payments are not made, the account will be sent to collections.
- Your local library branch
- Kern County Library Collections staff: 661.868.0765
- HP Sears: 888.269.7051 (Kern County’s Collection Agency)
Collection accounts can be paid (in part or in full) at the collection agency, at any Kern County Library location, online, or by mail.
Fines | |
All materials except Videocasettes DVD & Reference | $0.50 ea/day |
Videocasettes & DVDs | $1.00 ea/day |
Reference Materials | $5.00 ea/day |
Expired Hold (not picked up within 10 days) | $1.00 per item |
Fee Name | Fee cost |
Microform Photocopies | $0.50 per page |
Color Photocopies & Color Laser Computer Printouts | $1.00 per page |
FAX (International) | Sent/Received: $5.00 first page & $2.00 each additional pag |
FAX (Domestic) | Sent/Received: $1.00 per page |
Research Fee (out of SJVLS area) | $30.00/hr with 1/2 hour $15.00 minimum plus copy/fax charges |
Rental Books | $0.25 per day |
Videocassettes & DVDs (7-day checkout) | $2.00/each week per item |
B&W Photocopies & Computer Printouts & Printer Paper | $0.15 per page |
Audio-Visual Listening/Viewing Equipment | $1.00 per hour |
Out of State Library Card | $25.00 annually |
Interlibrary Loans (ILL) (Outside of SJVLS area) | $5.00 per item (plus any other charges from lending library) |
Book Type | Fee |
Fiction Book – Adult | $25.00/each |
Juvenile (Fiction Book & Book/Casette or CD Kit) | $16.00/each |
Young Adult Fiction Book | S$19.00/each |
Juvenile Non-Fiction Book | $24.00/each |
Reference Materials | replacement cost |
Interlibrary Loan Materials | charge set by lending library |
Magazine | $5.00/each |
Trade Paperback – Non-Fiction | $21.00/each |
Trade Paperback – Fiction | $15.00/each |
Mass-market Paperbacks | $8.00/each |
Board Books | $7.00/each |
Pamphlets/Vertical File Material | $4.00/each |
Cassette Tape | $11.00/each |
Books-on-Tape & Books-on-CD | $15.00/each disk/tape |
Compact Disc | $18.00/each |
Videocassette | $25.00/each |
Audio-visual Cases | $2.00/each |
Uncatalogued Abridged Audio Books | $8.00/each |
DVDs | $25.00/each set |
Phonograph Record | $10.00/each |
Library Card | $2.00 |
The cost for materials not returned will be the retail cost, if available in the library database. When the retail price is not available, the following replacement costs will be applied. *Refunds for materials not returned are issued only within one year of the due date.
Damaged Materials | Fee |
Bindery Charge – Books up to 8″ | $8.00 |
Bindery Charge – Books 8-9″ | $10.00 |
Bindery Charge – Books 9-10″ | $11.00 |
Bindery Charge – Books 10-12″ | $13.00 |
Bindery Charge – Books 12-14″ | $17.00 |
Text Books – all sizes | $9.00 |
Periodicals up to 10″ in height | $14.00 |
Periodicals over 10″ & including 12″ in height | $18.00 |
Periodicals over 12″ & including 14″ in height | $23.00 |
Damaged Pages | $1.00/page up to replacement |
For materials damaged beyond repair, see Materials Not Returned. Approved by the Kern County Board of Supervisors. Resolution No. 2011-157, June 21, 2011